the societal 'education gap' bug.

on-tact teacher

Since its launch of the adaptive learning service called “Mildang English” in 2013, IHateFlyingBugs has been paving a new path in the education market for nearly 11 years with a mission focused on ‘equal opportunities for high-quality education.’ Introducing innovative learning and teaching experiences, they have brought forth the AI-based online personalized teaching service, MilDangPT, and an AI digital textbook platform, SchoolPT, which prioritizes teachers.


Based on the belief that only humans can make studying engaging until the end, IHateFlyingBugs is gradually refining areas that can be entrusted to AI technology, aiming to resolve the societal ‘education gap’ bug. Starting in a rooftop room where only four people could barely fit, IHateFlyingBugs is now striving to achieve equal opportunities for high-quality education from an office overlooking the Han River.

on-tact teacher

Learning Management through People and Technology

Proven Profit-Generating
Adaptive Learning Business Model​

AI-Based Personalized Learning Management System

Public Education LMS ('24 New)

For School B2G

Classroom-based personalized learning management for multiple students by a school teacher (1:Many)

Regular Classes (AI Digital Textbooks),
After-School Classes

Private Education LMS

For Personal B2C

At-home student receiving 1:1 personalized online learning management from our on-tact teacher

All online teachers are full-time employees

For Private Academies B2B

Collaborative product launches with leading education companies such as "MegaStudy" and "Neungyule" to release joint offerings

Official products:
Mega PT, Neungyule PT